Woman outside Church 教堂外的老婦 |
要瞭解格魯吉亞的處境,失業率是個好參數。蘇聯瓦解後,格魯吉亞獨立,失業率狂飆至85%,社會動蕩了二十多年。現在比較安定,失業率降了下來,仍然停留在65%的懸崖邊上。導遊指出,格魯吉亞人的傳統本領是務農和打仗。現在人口只有三百多萬,要把本事擴大,經濟多元化,談何容易?美國,北約和以色列於是把握機會,大發好心,在一個名為 「軍備培訓」 的資助計劃下,大力培養格魯吉亞人的戰爭天分。
Unemployment in Georgia is a good indicator of the disheartening situation. When first separated from the USSR in 1991, the newborn nation plunged promptly into chaos. Unemployment rocketed to 85%. Relative calmness has been restored, but unemployment still stands at an astounding 65%. Georgians, in the words of the tour guide, are traditionally farmers and warriors. With only 3.5 million of them, holding on to strong traditions, diversifying the economy is much easier dreamt than done. Israel, NATO and the USA are currently helping to develop one of two Georgian talents under an aid programme prosaically and ominously named Arm and Train.
Many Georgians look sad.
Worries 焦慮 |
Time Travel Break 暫脫時空 |
Felicity 幸福 |
That's what happens when one sells bananas in Georgia
在格魯吉亞賣香蕉有一定難度 |
Future 未來 |
Candy Seller 賣糖果的婆婆 |
Reverie 遐思 |
Endurance 耐力 |
Deep in thought 沈思 |
Now, listen... 你聽著。。。 |
Though Stalin was Georgian, Russia is now officially loathed. He’s therefore a historical shame to the country rather than much needed pride and confidence.
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