Thursday, 21 March 2013

Gravity still exists! -- a small triumph for 911-Truth 英国法官对 911 的间接判决

Three cheers for the Britons who achieved this small but significant recognition of Sir Isaac Newton's laws of statics and dynamics. They are lucky to have judges who recognise the impossible as being impossible; it's not something that can be taken for granted! 

Check out the Architects and Engineers’ latest report on the ruling in Horsham on Monday 18 March 2013. Watch the video interview of Tony Rooke:

911 这出违反牛顿定律的荒诞骗局,经美国工程师和建筑师们十多年来的不懈努力,开始渐露原形。英国法官在 2013年3月18日的判决,间接承认了BBC发有烟大炮的事实,有可能是整件世纪血案的一个转捩点,可大可小。可惜香港的民主应声虫们,没有有足够水平学习它们最崇拜的来路 avtivist 们寻求真相的科学精神。

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