Persia’s Achaemenid Empire once kinda stretched from Turkey in the west to Pakistan in the East. Its founder Cyrus the Great (circa 600 to 530 BCE), and legendary capital Persepolis (eventually razed by Alexander the Pyromaniac) may evoke a glorious past, but are no match for Hafez and Saadi in capturing the soul and passion of Iran. Few other people revere their poets like Iranians do. The mausoleum of Hafez is still packed with admirers after more than 600 years. They seek solace from his philosophical love poems, even use them as soothsayings to calm the mind and heart. Saadi Shirazi who lived a century before Hafez is similarly remembered.
The ruins of Persepolis, capital of the largest empire 2500 years ago 2500年前世上最强大繁荣的古都 Persepolis |
Right after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Saddam Hussein executed a proxy war against Iran, resulting in enormous casualties. The faces of the young men who died for their country are still highly visible in the main streets of many towns and cities. It’s a poignant contrast with others who sneak youthful corpses home in black body bags and high secrecy, but equally heartbreaking.
Tributes came to Persia from far and wide 来自东西域各国的进贡 |
Hanging on in Persepolis 在 Persepolis 的边缘 |
Remembering Poet Hafez, still 六百多年后,仍然怀念诗人哈菲兹 |
Reading Hafez's love poems in his mausoleum |
在哈菲兹的陵园里朗诵他的情诗 |
Fallen Heroes are not forgotten 仍然活在人民心中的英雄 |
Off-duty soldiers chatting with tourists in the park 在公园与游客闲聊的休班战士 |
A friendly cop. He won't last more than an hour in Miami 友善的武警。在美国的大城市可能活不了多久 |
Remember Ayatollah Khomeini? If you do, you might have also danced to the stupid tune of YMCA the year he changed Iran 记得霍梅尼吗?有印象的话,你也不年轻了。 在霍梅尼搞成革命那年,你也曾跟随着YMCA的简单节奏手舞足蹈吗? |
All that's left of a hero from a distant past at the Sialkot Archeological Site 在 Sialkot 考古场内一个远古英雄所剩下的所有 |
Omar Khayyam!
A religious man said to a whore,
You are drunk, caught each moment in a different snare;
She replied: Oh Sheik, I am what you say...
Are you what you seem?
I think Buddha said nothing is what it seems. I kinda agree with him :-)
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