Monday, 8 December 2014

The Second Enlightenment - Debunking Democracy

More people are waking up to the fact that
populist democracy controlled by money is a political dead-end. 

However, just as enlightened individuals the likes of Galileo and Newton dared not denounce God, modern-day democracy skeptics are hesitant to challenge its sanctity. Without God, one’s doomed. Without democracy, life’s unthinkable. That’s the mantra. Don’t question.

Capitalistic liberal Democracy bears many resemblances to its religious precursor. God and Democracy are similarly upheld by faith rather than reason, analysis, or performance benchmarks. Democracy has replaced God in most of ex-Christendom, equally absolute and undefinable. Politics in the USA, France, Italy, Greece, Japan, India, Switzerland, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. all differ in form, substance, and spirit. Even blood relatives like the US and UK have markedly different political structures and traditions. But as long as they hoist an approved Democracy banner, all is fine. Like God, Democracy is tautologically perfect. Details are unimportant.



连当初宣布 “历史终结” 的主教级民主学者福山教授,也改变了看法,对民主的现状和前景表示担忧。只有民主喽啰们仍然懵然不知,继续歇斯底里地高喊口号。不过就算较为清楚民主弊病的人,也甚少直接指出西方民主是当今很多社会问题的核心,好像 “民主” 是上帝,批评要懂分寸,适可而止。从前的科学天才如伽里略和牛顿者,也不敢漏半句怀疑上帝的话。不信上帝,天诛地灭。没有民主,民不聊生。这是圣经,是真理,是咒语。要一心不二地念熟,不要多想多问。

西方话语下的民主世界,与宗教相似之处甚多。要知道,所谓西方社会,大体上是 “基督教世界” 的延续。欧洲经过近两千年的神权统治,脱离了上帝只不过是很近期的事,很大程度上社会里仍然潜伏着宗教迷信,並不出奇。

宗教和民主都依靠信念做基础,事实分析和客观成就均属次要。民主也和上帝一样,没有具体定义。美国,法国,意大利,希腊,日本,印度,瑞士,伊拉克,阿富汗,利比亚,等等等等的政治模式,理念,和文化,完全不同。连英美两兄弟的政制也大有出入。但他们都在“自我批准” 的民主旗帜下呐喊,在老大的支配下互相推举,俨然一体。民主与上帝,都是 “好” 的绝对标准,不容置疑。